Title: | Spherical Plotting |
Description: | Various functions for creating spherical coordinate system plots via extensions to rgl. |
Authors: | Aaron Robotham |
Maintainer: | Aaron Robotham <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.0.8 |
Built: | 2025-02-21 04:00:07 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/asgr/sphereplot |
Various low level and high level routines for generate spherical plots. Includes celestial sphere style 3D grid and routines for overlaying additional points and text. Requires rgl.
Package: | sphereplot |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.0.8 |
Date: | 2023-08-30 |
License: | GPL-3 |
Standard usage is to run rgl.sphgrid to make the 3D coordinate grid, then add points using rgl.sphpoints.
Aaron Robotham
Maintainer: Aaron Robotham <[email protected]>
Transforms 3D cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates. The user can choose to return the spherical coordinates in degrees or radians.
car2sph(x, y, z, deg = TRUE)
car2sph(x, y, z, deg = TRUE)
x |
x values, can also contain a matrix of x, y and z (in that order). |
y |
y values. |
z |
z values |
deg |
Should degrees be returned (default) or radians. |
This is a low level function that is used for plot transformations.
A data.frame is returned containing the columns long (longitude), lat (latitude) and radius.
Aaron Robotham
Randomly generates data points within a sphere that are uniformly distributed.
pointsphere(N = 100, longlim = c(0, 360), latlim = c(-90, 90), rlim = c(0, 1))
pointsphere(N = 100, longlim = c(0, 360), latlim = c(-90, 90), rlim = c(0, 1))
N |
Number of random points. |
longlim |
Limits of longitude in degrees. |
latlim |
Limits of latitude in degrees. |
rlim |
Limits of radius. |
This function randomly generates data points within a sphere that are uniformly distributed. 3D pointing is based in efficient inversion of random uniform distributions, rather than a Monte-Carlo approach.
Returns a data.frame comtaining the longitude, latitude and radius of the random points generated.
Aaron Robotham
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphpoints(pointsphere(100,c(0,90),c(0,45),c(0.25,0.8)),deg=TRUE)
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphpoints(pointsphere(100,c(0,90),c(0,45),c(0.25,0.8)),deg=TRUE)
Function to generate a new great circle with arbitrary inclinations and radius.
rgl.sphcirc(CrossEq = 0, PeakDec = 0, radius = 1, deg = TRUE, col = "black", ...)
rgl.sphcirc(CrossEq = 0, PeakDec = 0, radius = 1, deg = TRUE, col = "black", ...)
CrossEq |
The right ascension where the new circle crosses the equator. This should be the corssing before the Declination values of the new great circle become positive. |
PeakDec |
The peak declination the new great circle will reach. |
radius |
The radius of the new great circle. |
deg |
Specifies if input is in degrees (default) or radians. |
col |
The colour of the new great circle line. |
... |
Other arguments carried to lines3d. |
See rgl.sphsun
and rgl.sphMW
for examples of rgl.sphcirc in use.
No value, used for plotting side effect.
Aaron Robotham
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphcirc(radius=0.5,col='blue')
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphcirc(radius=0.5,col='blue')
Plots a background map of either the World (our Earth), night sky, or the Planck CMB map. This is nice for certain visualisations of the astronomical locations, and also plotting the world.
rgl.sphglobe(type = "sky1", radius = 1, res = 100, alpha = 0.99999, grid = TRUE, lit = FALSE, texture = NULL, longshift = 0, longtype = 'D', ...)
rgl.sphglobe(type = "sky1", radius = 1, res = 100, alpha = 0.99999, grid = TRUE, lit = FALSE, texture = NULL, longshift = 0, longtype = 'D', ...)
type |
Character scalar; used if texture is NULL. One of: sky1 (low res) / sky2 (high res) / world1 (Light) / world2 (Dark) / world3 (simple) / cmb_gal (Planck in Galactic) / cmb_eq (Planck in Equatorial). |
radius |
Numeric scalar; radius to make the globe. If set to 'auto' it will be 1 for sky1 / sky2; 6371 for world1 / world2 (Earth radius in km); 13.8 for CMB (age of the Universe in Gyrs). |
res |
Numeric scalar; resolution of the globe (default should usually be fine). |
alpha |
Numeric scalar; transparency of the globe. Setting to 1 slows down the rendering for some reason. |
grid |
Logical; show coordinate grid? |
lit |
Logical; illuminate the globe? |
texture |
Character scalar; path to a texture to wrap onto the globe. This needs to be a rectangular projection to display correctly. |
longshift |
Shift to make to the texture in degrees along the longitude dimension. Many images are centred at either 0 or 180, where the default of 0 assumes 0 degrees longitude is at the centre of the texture. Only relevant if user provides input to texture. |
longtype |
Specifies if longitudes should be labelled in hours (H- default) or degrees (D). See |
... |
Extra arguments for |
Run for the side effect of generating a pretty globe to plot on top of.
The sky and World images are in the equatorial system, but I can only find Planck maps using a Galactic projection, so this is not in equatorial! But for giving the general impression of the CMB background, this might not matter.
All images were found online under open licenses. In particular the sky images were provided by NASA.
Run for the side effect of generating a pretty globe to plot on top of.
Aaron Robotham
## Not run: rgl.sphglobe('world1') rgl.sphglobe('world2') rgl.sphglobe('world3') rgl.sphglobe('sky1') rgl.sphglobe('sky2') rgl.sphglobe('cmb') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rgl.sphglobe('world1') rgl.sphglobe('world2') rgl.sphglobe('world3') rgl.sphglobe('sky1') rgl.sphglobe('sky2') rgl.sphglobe('cmb') ## End(Not run)
Creates a spherical plotting grid, within which further points can be added. Useful for astronomical plotting in particular, where this becomes the celestial sphere.
rgl.sphgrid(radius = 1, axis.val = TRUE, col.long = 'red', col.lat = 'blue', col.rad = 'darkgreen', col.axes = 'grey50', col.grid = 'grey', deggap = 15, longtype = "H", add = FALSE, radaxis = TRUE, radlab = 'Radius', col.radlab = 'black')
rgl.sphgrid(radius = 1, axis.val = TRUE, col.long = 'red', col.lat = 'blue', col.rad = 'darkgreen', col.axes = 'grey50', col.grid = 'grey', deggap = 15, longtype = "H", add = FALSE, radaxis = TRUE, radlab = 'Radius', col.radlab = 'black')
radius |
The radial extent of the spherical grid. |
axis.val |
Logical; show numeric values on the spherical grid. |
deggap |
The attempted separation between sherical grid lines in degrees. |
col.long |
The colour for longitude axis value labels. |
col.lat |
The colour for latitude axis value labels. |
col.rad |
The colour for radius axis value labels. |
col.axes |
The colour for axes (i.e. grid line next to labels). |
col.grid |
The colour for grid lines. |
longtype |
Specifies if longitudes should be labelled in hours (H- default) or degrees (D). |
add |
Should the grid be added to the current plot, or if FALSE a new rgl device is launched. |
radaxis |
Logical determining whether the sphere radius vector is drawn and labeled (default is TRUE). Pretty labeling is used to choose the location of ticks and labels. |
radlab |
If 'radaxis' is TRUE then the 'radlab' parameter determines the name of the label. |
col.radlab |
Colour of the radius title. |
This function should be called first, and can generally be used with only the declaration of radius to good effect.
No value, used for plotting side effect.
Aaron Robotham
Given points on a sphere, these functions will draw the connecting great and minor circle minimum distance line connecting them.
rgl.sphline(long1, lat1, long2, lat2, radius = 1, deg = TRUE, col = "black", res = 1000, ...) rgl.sphlines(long, lat, ...) rgl.seglong(long1, long2, lat, radius=1, deg=TRUE, col='black', res=1000, ...) rgl.seglat(long, lat1, lat2, radius=1, deg=TRUE, col='black', res=1000, ...) rgl.segbox(long1, long2, lat1, lat2, radius=1, deg=TRUE, col='black', res=1000, ...)
rgl.sphline(long1, lat1, long2, lat2, radius = 1, deg = TRUE, col = "black", res = 1000, ...) rgl.sphlines(long, lat, ...) rgl.seglong(long1, long2, lat, radius=1, deg=TRUE, col='black', res=1000, ...) rgl.seglat(long, lat1, lat2, radius=1, deg=TRUE, col='black', res=1000, ...) rgl.segbox(long1, long2, lat1, lat2, radius=1, deg=TRUE, col='black', res=1000, ...)
long1 |
Numeric scalar; longitude of first location. |
lat1 |
Numeric scalar; latitude of first location. |
long2 |
Numeric scalar; longitude of second location. |
lat2 |
Numeric scalar; latitude of second location. |
long |
Numeric vector; longitudes on plotting path. |
lat |
Numeric vector; latitudes on plotting path. |
radius |
Numeric scalar; radius of segment to draw. |
deg |
Logical; specifies if input is in degrees (default) or radians. |
col |
Specifies line colour. |
res |
Numeric scalar; resolution of line to draw (how many elements in the total great circle). Only make this large if plotting points very close together, otherwise the default is generally high enough resolution. |
... |
Other arguments to pass to |
The main difference between rgl.sphline
and rgl.sphlines
is that the former takes scalar inputs but gives you the great outputs listed below, whilst rgl.sphlines
can take vector inputs and plot complicated paths, but provides no return from the function.
and rgl.sphlines
are called for the side effect of plotting on the current sphere.
draws longitude lines of constant latitude (technically minor circle arcs, except at the equator).
draws latitude lines of constant longitude (great circle arcs).
draws boxes with the specified longitude and latitude limits.
also returns various diagnostic outputs:
great_circle |
Cartesian coordinates of the full great circle. |
segment |
Cartesian coordinates of the great circlen segment. |
CrossEq |
Location where great circle crosses the equator. |
PeakDec |
Peak declination / latitude of the great circle. |
AngSep |
Angular separation of the two points in degrees. |
CrossProd |
Three element cross product vector for the two input positions. |
Aaron Robotham
rgl.sphglobe('world1') rgl.sphline(20,30,40,60) rgl.sphpoints(c(20,40), c(30,60), size=10) rgl.sphline(340,-20,80,30) rgl.sphpoints(c(340,80), c(-20,30), size=10) rgl.sphline(30,40,80,-60) rgl.sphpoints(c(30,80), c(40,-60), size=10)
rgl.sphglobe('world1') rgl.sphline(20,30,40,60) rgl.sphpoints(c(20,40), c(30,60), size=10) rgl.sphline(340,-20,80,30) rgl.sphpoints(c(340,80), c(-20,30), size=10) rgl.sphline(30,40,80,-60) rgl.sphpoints(c(30,80), c(40,-60), size=10)
This function overplots the Galactic plane on the default Equatorial coordinates, and optionally will add the Galactic centre.
rgl.sphMW(radius = 1, col = "purple", type = "s", MWcenrad = 0.02, addMWplane = TRUE, ...)
rgl.sphMW(radius = 1, col = "purple", type = "s", MWcenrad = 0.02, addMWplane = TRUE, ...)
radius |
The radius at which to draw the Galactic plane and Galactic centre. |
col |
The colour of the Galactic plane line and the Galactic centre. |
type |
Rgl plot type for the Galactic centre, default is to draw it as a 3D sphere, i.e. type 's'. |
MWcenrad |
The radius of the Galactic centre if plotted as a sphere. |
addMWplane |
Should the Galactic plane be drawn. |
... |
Extra arguments for lines3d. |
No value, used for plotting side effect.
Aaron Robotham
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphMW()
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphMW()
This function allows the native plotting of spherical coordinates (in degrees of radians) and is expected to be used in conjunction with rgl.sphgrid, which produces the spherical grid.
rgl.sphpoints(long, lat, radius=1, deg = TRUE, col = 'black', ...)
rgl.sphpoints(long, lat, radius=1, deg = TRUE, col = 'black', ...)
long |
Numeric vector; longitude values, can also contain a matrix of long, lat and radius (in that order). |
lat |
Numeric vector; latitude values. |
radius |
Numeric vector; radius values. |
deg |
Logical; specifies if input is in degrees (default) or radians. |
col |
Specifies point colour. |
... |
Other arguments carried to points3d. |
This function uses sph2car in conjunction with points3d to plot points on a spherical coordinate system.
No value, used for plotting side effect.
Aaron Robotham
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphpoints(40,50,0.5,deg=TRUE,col='red',cex=2)
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphpoints(40,50,0.5,deg=TRUE,col='red',cex=2)
This function overplots the ecliptic plane on the default Equatorial coordinates, and optionally will add the Sun either for a desired date, or for today.
rgl.sphsun(Ydate = c(3, 21), radius = 1, col = "yellow", type = "s", sunrad = 0.02, addeclip = TRUE, addsun = TRUE, ...)
rgl.sphsun(Ydate = c(3, 21), radius = 1, col = "yellow", type = "s", sunrad = 0.02, addeclip = TRUE, addsun = TRUE, ...)
Ydate |
The date for the location of the Sun on the spherical grid. Vector in c(M,D) format. If set to 'get' then the function will return the Sun's location for today. |
radius |
The radius at which to draw the ecliptic plane and Sun. |
col |
The colour of the ecliptic line and for the Sun. |
type |
RGL plot type for the Sun, default is to draw it as a 3D sphere, i.e. type 's'. |
sunrad |
The radius of the Sun if plotted as a sphere. |
addeclip |
Should the ecliptic plane be drawn. |
addsun |
Should the location of the Sun be plotted. |
... |
Extra arguments for lines3d. |
No value, used for plotting side effect.
Aaron Robotham
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphsun() rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphsun('get',radius=2,col='red') open3d()
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphsun() rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphsun('get',radius=2,col='red') open3d()
Adds generic text to a spherical coordinate plot.
rgl.sphtext(long, lat, radius, text, deg = TRUE, col = 'black', ...)
rgl.sphtext(long, lat, radius, text, deg = TRUE, col = 'black', ...)
long |
longitude values, can also contain a matrix of long, lat and radius (in that order). |
lat |
latitude values. |
radius |
radius values. |
text |
text values to be plotted. |
deg |
Specifies if input is in degrees (default) or radians. |
col |
Specifies text colour. |
... |
Other arguments carried to points3d. |
This function uses sph2car in conjunction with text3d to plot text on a spherical coordinate system.
No value, used for plotting side effect.
Aaron Robotham
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphtext(40,50,0.5,'HI!',deg=TRUE,col='red',cex=2)
rgl.sphgrid() rgl.sphtext(40,50,0.5,'HI!',deg=TRUE,col='red',cex=2)
Transforms 3D spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates. The user can choose to input the spherical coordinates in degrees or radians.
sph2car(long, lat, radius = 1, deg = TRUE)
sph2car(long, lat, radius = 1, deg = TRUE)
long |
Longitude values, can also contain a matrix of long, lat and radius (in that order). |
lat |
Latitude values. |
radius |
Radius values. |
deg |
Specifies if input is in degrees (default) or radians. |
This is a low level function that is used for plot transformations.
A data.frame is returned containing the columns x, y and z.
Aaron Robotham